Circuit Boards 101 with Maya * Anthony is also kinda here*
Software and materials
Eagle within fusion
Understanding circuit board
Approach look at datasheet for Xiao board first to design a board
Figure out what sort of components you want to use and also read those data sheets
Understand how much power needs to go where and what are typical best use cases for different boards
Create Board
First step is PCB document which defines relationship- Schematic / label what each pin is connected
Second step is actually laying out the board and where components are placed in relation and drawing things out
Layout parts then save as pcb board document where it links things together
Check how things are mounted on board to make sure things are wired well. Check foot prints and make sure they are correct.
You can see them once youre in pcb board document. My led had through holes instead of being surface mounted.
There are dropdowns to select different types of footprints.
The PCB board layout will probably be a mess but by rotating pieces, moving them, and rerouting a couple on the schematic
you can make it work out
Once you're done you can draw a board outline on the outside. If you have any protruding parts take that into account
You should also go over if you;re within design principles which there is a list of for once you have to mill